
7 ways to reject “pride”

7 ways to reject “pride”

In 2022 America, the month of June is co-opted by those who want to embrace evil, “groom” our children, and seek to pass their warped distortion of human sexuality as […]

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RECHEDULED: Jefferson BCA Coming this Fall

RECHEDULED: Jefferson BCA Coming this Fall

The Jefferson Biblical Citizenship Academy is being rescheduled for this fall! We are hearing from a significant amount of people who want to attend the Jefferson BCA, but are out […]

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Frontline to Hold “Don’t Woke My Church Conference”

Frontline to Hold “Don’t Woke My Church Conference”

With the chaos of the primary elections, the Southern Baptist Convention, and other events in the area during our original date, we’ve decided to reschedule the Don’t Woke My Church […]

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Mike Pompeo is coming…

Mike Pompeo is coming…

Trust me, you don’t want to miss this! To purchase your ticket to the United Frontline Gala, click here. Mike Pompeo is arguably the greatest Secretary of State in my […]

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Such Reckless Hate

Such Reckless Hate

One week ago, we received incredible news – the Supreme Court is poised to overturn Roe v. Wade and end the tyranny of that unconstitutional decision. This news came from […]

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Come See the Place

Come See the Place

Matthew 28:6 – He is not here, for He has risen, as He said. Come, see the place where He lay. He is Risen! Never has there been better news […]

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Should Christians be Partisan?

Should Christians be Partisan?

The Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) recently published an interview with Daniel Williams, author of the book The Politics of the Cross: A Christian Alternative to Partisanship. […]

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Biblical Citizenship Academy: Waycross

Biblical Citizenship Academy: Waycross

“Biblical Citizenship Academy was not only the best seminar I have ever attended, but it was life changing. I learned more in one day about what is really going on […]

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Video Announcement: Two Regular Prayer Opportunities

Video Announcement: Two Regular Prayer Opportunities

The end of Roe could come by early summer – when the Dobbs decision is announced by the Supreme Court. And we know who is in control. As we wait on the Dobbs decision, […]

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BREAKING: Frontline Launches Coalition to Empower Pastors in Battle for Culture

BREAKING: Frontline Launches Coalition to Empower Pastors in Battle for Culture

Where is the church? It’s a common question that we hear as we travel around the state. Christians are frustrated. We are promised the power that comes when God’s people […]

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Frontline Takes Aim at Biden Vaccine Mandate

Frontline Takes Aim at Biden Vaccine Mandate

Friends, We’ve had enough. We won’t stand idly by and allow the Biden Administration to bully businesses and make medical decisions on your behalf. The Biden edict is unconstitutional, illegal, […]

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I get asked all the time…

I get asked all the time…

I get asked all the time – “is there any hope for our country”? My answer: YES! First, as Christians, we ALWAYS have hope. Second, I believe that we have […]

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