We are taking a quick break from lobbying at the Capitol to let you know about a strong win that just happened in the State Senate.

For the first time ever, a bill creating Education Savings Accounts has passed a Chamber – with a 33-23 victory!

This bill allows for a $6,000 ESA that will provide options to families – allowing parents to direct how their child should be educated.

Now, in order to pass the bill, an amendment did pass that will limit the students that can receive this ESA, taking it from being a universal school choice bill to one that will not quite have that effect.

However, this is a STRONG win that is the biggest school choice victory Georgia has seen in recent memory.

Congratulations to Sen. Greg Dolezal, who has been arguably the Senate’s strongest champion of school choice since his election 5 years ago! We are so thankful for his leadership!

To support our work as this bill now moves to the House, please consider a generous $25, $50, $100, or greater donation today.

Now back to fighting for you and your family…


For His Glory,

Cole Muzio
Frontline Policy


PS. We need prayers. Our children deserve better than the current language on SB 140.