Self-Evident Truths

On the Fourth of July, as we commemorate the Declaration of Independence, we often focus on the concept of freedom. We rightly celebrate it, give thanks for it, and resolve to preserve it.Too often lost is an ideological, philosophical, and even theological underpinning that forms that Declaration. Beyond the shots fired, blood sacrificed, and immense suffering undertaken to achieve Independence, ours was an intellectual Revolution built on sincere and faithful belief.Citing the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God, the Founders wrote, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”Think about that phrasing, though… self-evident. It’s almost condescending toward anyone who does not see or understand something so obvious, apparent, and definite. These truths are self-evident.Yet it’s these fundamental truths – that there are “laws of nature and nature’s God, that we all are given rights by our CREATOR, that the right to Life is preeminent, etc. – upon which our nation is divided amongst itself. Division upon these self-evident truths will surely lead a nation to ruin.At Frontline we stand for freedom. We celebrate the Fourth and all that it means. But, we also harken our nation and our state back to the self-evident truths – beginning with the recognition of our Creator God – that make such freedom even possible and worthwhile.Without this foundation, we cannot stand. Without this foundation, we will not pass freedom on to the next generation. And, it is for this foundation that we will continue to fight.Wishing you and yours a Happy Fourth,Cole MuzioPresident,Frontline Policycole@frontlinepolicy.com_________________PS - One such self-evident truth is the reality that God made men and women! Come join us at our Gala where you will hear from the rightful NCAA Women’s Swimming Champion, Riley Gaines! October 6th will be here before you know it so purchase your tickets TODAY! 


BREAKING: Frontline Launches New Symbol Building Organization Brand


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