How Strongly do you want the Church to speak out?

This year, Frontline Policy Council launched Church Ambassador Network – an arm aimed at equipping God’s Church to be salt and light into this world.Our Fiscal Year ends TONIGHT, and I’m asking you to support the work of Church Ambassador Network by making a generous TAX DEDUCTIBLE donation!Nearly every day this legislative session, we had a team of pastors working with our Director of Church Ambassador Network, Scott McInnis, to share God’s Word, pray with legislators, discuss issues, and build relationship. Outside of session, we have continued that work.This is only the beginning! We are looking to increase this effort at least THREE-FOLD next session and hope to hire regional CAN Directors in the years to come. Imagine the impact we can have across the state if the pulpits thunder on these issues, the Church takes on key functions being the hands and feet of Christ, and the Body of Christ stands boldly and distinct in championing biblical values.If you want to see God’s Church awaken and increase its impact in a mighty way, please consider a generous TAX DEDUCTIBLE donation of $25, $50, $100, or more BEFORE MIDNIGHT!Onward,Cole MuzioPresident,Frontline


Self-Evident Truths


What’s Next in the Fight for Life – Part 2