Upcoming events

Run2Win 2025
Join us for Run2Win 2025, building on the extraordinary success of our first conference, which united thought leaders, activists, and policymakers in a dynamic exchange of ideas that shaped the conservative agenda.

Frontline Christmas Party
🎄 Join Us for a Festive Celebration! 🎄
You’re warmly invited to drop in and celebrate the joy of the Christmas season with us!
Meet Our Frontline Staff:
Take a moment to connect and share holiday cheer with the incredible team that makes it all happen.
Enjoy Delicious Hors d'Oeuvres:
Savor a delightful selection of seasonal treats and refreshments as we celebrate together.
When: December 10th, 6:30 PM - 9 PM
Where: Newnan Train Depot
Dress Code: Festive Attire Encouraged!
Let’s create wonderful memories filled with joy, laughter, and the spirit of giving.
Please RSVP by Filling Out the Form Below
We can’t wait to celebrate with you!

Believe Gala
This year’s Gala is not just an event; it’s a proclamation of our faith and commitment. We believe that God is not done with the United States of America nor with the State of Georgia. We believe in His promises—that the faithful prayers, humble repentance, and sincere actions of His people can bring healing to our land. And, we certainly believe that we are here for such a time as this.

Christianity & Culture Conversations (C3)
Christianity & Culture Conversations is aimed at equipping you to be more engaged, know what’s going on, affect change, and be a witness for Christ in the public square. JOIN US in Cumming, GA at Grace Fellowship Church for a FREE evening of training on legislative issues, biblical policy, winsome activism, truth discernment, the role of the Church, and more. We will be joined by political leaders, pastors, and others who are affecting change for the cause of Christ.