I Believe in the Church Ambassador Network

I believe in the power of the Gospel to change hearts and minds, in the power of God’s Church to shape the culture, and the strength of the pulpit to bring revival to our land. And, for these reasons and more, I believe in what our Church Ambassador Network can achieve.Frontline is a complex ministry. Through our two organizations, we address culture, policy, and politics. We were officially launched just two years ago, and we have been blessed to grow.That’s why I wanted to take just a minute to write you to reiterating my support for and eagerness to expand our Church Ambassador Network initiative.To support the Church Ambassador Network with a TAX-DEDUCTIBLE contribution, please consider a generous donation of $50, $250, or $1000 TODAY!Even before I started this work, I had heard consistent criticism of the American church pastor. “My pastor doesn’t talk about these issues,” “My pastor doesn’t want to get involved,” or “My pastor doesn’t see politics as important” are just some of the familiar refrains.Church Ambassador Network gives pastors a distinctly biblical mechanism whereby they can get involved, minister to those God has called to government, and strengthen the witness of their church.With the Church Ambassador Network, we facilitate meetings between the Shepherds of God’s Church (pastors) and the Shepherds of Government (those He has appointed to serve in an official capacity). In these meetings, we unashamedly share the Word, pray, discuss a biblical worldview as it relates to policy issues, and build intentional relationships. These meetings are impactful and transformative for both the pastor and the legislator.A by-product of these meetings is a connection between the pastor and legislator that results in greater accountability for the legislator, more information for the pastor, and greater opportunity for God’s Church to speak to and impact our government.Is there anything that could do more to fundamentally shape our state than this? Can you imagine the difference it would make if all the pastors participated in this initiative?In just a few months, I have already seen the impact of the Church Ambassador Network, and I am so grateful that God has called Scott McInnis to lead this effort. Government officials have already gotten to know Scott as someone they can trust, open up to, and receive biblical truth from.But, because the Church Ambassador Network is only as successful as the pace of relationships – especially between our team and pastors around the state – one person cannot possibly hope to make C.A.N. all that it can be.This is why our counterpart organization in Iowa, which pioneered the Church Ambassador Network, devotes 8 full-time staff to C.A.N. in a state less than 1/3 the size of ours!Quite frankly, we need to get Scott some help, and we need to fully invest in this initiative.You may have seen our advertisement for a Deputy Director of Church Ambassador Network position. This role will grow C.A.N. by building more relationships around the state, developing an intentional effort around reaching majority-minority churches, and helping cultivate volunteer pastors who can also lead these meetings.This position is important, but we need your help.If you join me in believing in the power of the Church Ambassador Network, will you consider making a generous donation today to fund its growth? Any amount can make an impact - $5, $10, $25, or more – whatever the Lord is calling you to do.Just last week, Scott fostered teams of pastors to meet with Sen. Mike Hodges, Rep. Shaw Blackmon, Sen. Matt Brass, Sen. Larry Walker, and Sen. Randy Robertson. More than a dozen pastors were able to build relationships with us through these meetings, and the Word of God was shared with these legislators.I cannot wait to see what God will do if we faithfully multiply this effort! Excited to see Him work,Cole Muzio PS. Want to help us fund this growth? Please consider a TAX-DEDUCTIBLE contribution to Frontline Policy Council TODAY!


Frontline Late September Newsletter – Gala One Week Away


Frontline Newsletter: Late August Edition