Frontline Newsletter: Late August Edition

If there’s one thing I can assure you – there’s nothing about this heat that is slowing us down.The Frontline team is already engaged in the policy process leading up to next legislative session, gearing up for the 2024 election, growing Church Ambassador Network, getting ready for big events, and spreading our message. We know that The Battle is right here in Georgia, and that our state will determine the trajectory of our nation.Our God has called us to stand firm and take action, and we are committed to pressing forward._________________

Did You Catch Me at The Gathering?

Last week, conservative radio host and pundit Erick Erickson hosted “The Gathering” which was an internationally covered convening of candidates and thought leaders in the movement.I was honored to join Gov. Ron DeSantis, Sen. Tim Scott, VP Mike Pence, Amb. Nikki Haley, Gov. Brian Kemp, Gov. Glenn Youngkin, Rep. Rich McCormick, and others as one of the speakers at the event. To watch my conversation with Erick, click below._________________

BIG Events Coming Up!

Beginning exactly one month from now, Frontline has a trio of large events featuring big-time speakers. At these events, you will have the opportunity to hear personal testimony from some of the most important voices in the Battle for God’s Design, learn more about Frontline’s vision for our God-honoring movement, and connect with fellow believers.>>> REGISTER HERE to join us for dinner in Augusta on SEPTEMBER 21st with speakers PAULA SCANLAN and CHLOE COLE>>> REGISTER HERE to join us for lunch in Savannah on  SEPTEMBER 22ND with speakers PAULA SCANLAN and CHLOE COLE>>> REGISTER HERE to join us for our Gala in Duluth on OCTOBER 6TH with speaker RILEY GAINES and performer JOHN WALLERThese events are an important opportunity to understand where this movement is going and how you can impact our state. They are also critical opportunities for us to share our vision and build the war chest needed to grow this ministry.Please join us – you won’t want to miss these!_________________

Frontline is HIRING!

As we continue to THINK BIGGER as an organization that always seeks to LOOK HIGHER, we are looking to fill very specific needs to grow our team:

  • General Counsel – an attorney who can help us defend freedom at the Capitol and in the courtroom.
  • Deputy CAN Director – a leader with a pastoral background or “pastoral heart” that can help us expand Church Ambassador Network.
  • Communications Director – compelling writer, messenger, and graphic designer who can help us reach new audiences.
  • Development Coordinator – a winsome associate who enjoys sharing our vision and raising resources.
  • Regional Directors (LOCATED IN SOUTH AND EAST GEORGIA) – who can focus on regions to build relationships, grow revenue, and expand our footprint

For detailed job descriptions and more information, CLICK HERE.I would ask all of our audience to help spread the word as we seek to identify who God is leading into these positions, and I also ask for your prayers as we seek wisdom and discernment._________________

Do You Like the New Look?

We are incorporating our new Lion symbol into everything we do. For more information on why, click our announcement here. _________________

A Week in Review!

In addition to speaking at “The Gathering,” I was privileged to bring our message to the Clarke County Republican Party – where I also had the opportunity to pray over Congressman Mike Collins and Representative Houston Gaines. I also joined Representative Will Wade for an AJC LIVE Forum debating the merits of our pro-family education agenda, and I spoke at the Harris County Republican Party and at Harmony Baptist Church for their Wild Game Supper.Our team was also on hand at “The Gathering,” where they interacted with several key leaders and then attended an event this weekend with Congressmen Mike Collins and Buddy Carter, Lt. Governor Burt Jones, Commissioner Bruce Thompson, and several state legislators.See photos from our week below:       


I Believe in the Church Ambassador Network


BREAKING: Frontline Launches New Symbol Building Organization Brand