It Started with Marriage

Welcome to the month where America collectively shakes its fist at God’s Design.Prior to the coming of Christ, the greatest gift God gave to man was woman – made distinct, wonderfully, complimentary – to complete him. God made marriage, blessed it, made the union itself significant and special, and made the outcome of that union – children – the methodology of sustaining humankind.Marriage is a beautiful and wonderful thing!Over the years, the secularists’ celebration of “Pride Month” has continued to become more abhorrent. It has gone from being about one’s own wicked desires to imposing a wicked ideology on an entire culture – targeting children in the process.However, this trend started because Christians abdicated the fight for the beauty and wonder of marriage. We failed to live joyously in our marriages, point people to God’s gift of marriage, and stand strong for biblical truth.And, frankly, the pulpits largely failed to thunder with a forceful, grateful, and biblical defense of the first and most sacred institution.Over the course of this “Pride Month,” Frontline stands ready to proclaim the truth. We will speak boldly, discuss policy and political objectives in winning the Culture War, and equip God’s people to stand firm and take action. For starters, here are three ways to wage war against “Pride” (we will share more):1.       Support leaders who have a clear worldview – Christians should support candidates and officials who believe that we are male and female, made in the image of God, that marriage is a sacred and special union, etc. If we who hold the Scripture to be our guiding light do not look for leaders who possess a clear worldview in accordance with God’s Word, we are setting ourselves up for failure.2.      Urge your pastor to preach on biblical sexual ethics – Every year, pro-life churches recognize Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. In June, which is the anniversary of the unconstitutional Obergefell decision, pastors should preach on a biblical understanding of sex, human sexuality, and marriage. Don’t let your church be the only place where these issues go undiscussed!3.      Pray for a great and mighty work of God – Our culture has gone to a very wretched and dark place very quickly. The failures of the Church and of God’s people are, in part, to blame, and sinful, unchecked, and harmful desires are now acclaimed in our nation. We cannot reverse course on our own. We need a work of God. We need His mercy.During this Pride Month, we urge you not to be a bystander. Join us in speaking out and standing up for Truth. Stay tuned for more!For God’s Design,Cole Muzio President, Frontline


What’s Next in the Fight for Life – Part 2


Design Over Delusion